“Hi, and welcome to my first ever blog post on this site!”
If you are a survivor of abuse, I want you to hear a warm welcome from me, and to know that I think you are amazing. I also want you to know that you are not alone. I hope that this site might in some way be helpful to you on your journey.
If you’re a friend or family member supporting a survivor, thank you, we really need people like you. I have friends who wouldn’t have made it this far without someone supporting them. I hope some of the information on this site might help you as you support others.
I used to send out information and videos to survivors I know, but the problem with sending information is that it might turn up in someone’s inbox at a time when it’s difficult to think about that material. So one of my reasons for starting this web page was so that survivors I know can just check this webpage whenever they feel up for it, and then see if there’s any new information that might be helpful to them. So do check back every now and then to see new content, because I plan to keep adding to this site.
Lastly, after you’ve been on this site, please do some self-care. Find something beautiful to look at or think about, or do something that gives you joy. No matter how bad things are in the world, there is still beauty out there to enjoy.
Take care, Duncan